Website marketplace design

The startup provides kids with a secure, closed marketplace where they can trade products and learn about money management and the digital world in a clean, monitored, and controlled setting.
UX/UI Designer
Time frame
100 hours
Design the various pages, responsive to all devices, and a design system.
Designing an intuitive and engaging interface that captures the target audience attention while ensuring it's easy to navigate.
Also making sure that the platform is build trust with both audiences, parents and children.
We started by researching the leading marketplace websites. We wanted to gain an additional layer of understanding of both the problem we are attempting to solve and the user's needs.
Although there was a specification document, it wasn't enough In the sense of functionality and information architecture. Therefore, I had to work closely with the product manager to approve the new hierarchy adjustments we came up with.

The next step was creating a design system and basic components. It's important since it allows manipulating the design using the primary elements, as many adjustments could happen.
The first challenge is working as a freelancer for a client who demands results as quickly as possible. With more time, I might have handled things differently.

The second is a challenge related to decision-making in the process:
Safety and privacy
Engaging design
Empowerment and education
  • First, we had to make a parent approval verification to ensure a safe arena for children.
  • Second, we had to create an intuitive and engaging experience for children across different age groups, we tried to make it simple enough for younger audience to navigate but still engaging for older children.
  • Thirdly, we designed features that encourage active participation and engagement while also ensuring that they remain focused on productive tasks.
  • Fourthly, we tried to balance entertainment with educational content by making study pages with all kinds of information.
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Web design

Website redesign for all 7 sites